Yesterday I was talking to Grace and she said to me : "For you friendship means everything..when it comes to boyfriend stuffs still friendship is number one for you.."
Usually high school is the moment when you can find and get your best friends. Well, I do. I found 12 of them. It took years to build this friendship. All of us have been through happy and sad moment together. Laugh together, fight together, run away from classes together, cry together, happy together and share lots of things together.
4 years of friendship. All of us must continue our own destiny. Some went to Seattle, San Francisco, Pensacola, Singapore and Sydney while the rest still in Jakarta. Distance is the only reason why we hardly meet each other but thanks to Mr. Blackberry and Ms. Skype. They help a bit thou.
People do change both in a good and bad way. During a year we tried to maintain our contacts and somehow all of us get lesser conta
cts and so on. Last July will be the first small reunion for some obewack and I realise something here, not only me but I think the others too. All of us has changed no matter in good or bad way.
Personally, I tried my best to follow up. Get to know the new them, try to understand their thoughts, try to understand their feelings and try to understand the way they see things. It was really sad when one of us (not mentioning any name) felt that she can't feel the sense of belongings anymore.
I can feel there is something awkward between each one of us. I can feel that they start ignoring you. Its just sad when you know there is something wrong in your friendship and you can't do anything about it. Its not because I can't find another friends, I just want to maintain everything here.
When I entered my uni I thought I can meet and find a great and nice friend from uni but in fact "NIHIL". Well almost all of my friends here was from church. And if you think you can find a great and nice friend you better prepare. I am not cursing you but I just want you to realise.
This is me. I do change but I tried to keep things like how they used to be. If you want to tell me, I'll be a good listener. If you don't want to tell me, I'm good and I wont force you anyway. Things happened. Its just the way how you face those. For me my friends mean everything.
No matter they are good or not. Each of them play a role in my life. They did something to me in my life either its good or bad. I tried to care but if you don't I don't mind, but if you need me one time, I'll be there.
Lots of people said : "You wont find any great and nice friends during your college and uni years. You wont find any best friends either." I've proved them wrong!. I do have best friends here who will stay awake all night long just to listen to me.

(during my 17th birthday) =)
A person said this to me : "There is no such things that you can have a forever friendship with your high school friends. Wait for two or three years later, will you feel the same like two or three years ago?" Please help me to prove them wrong.

(the first time obewack went out together *complete)
If I am a suck friend for those of you who read this, I am sorry. I tried my best to be your friend and I am sorry if I failed. I am not perfect either. God let me meet you guys for a reason and I love you guys for whatever reasons.