Saturday, March 13, 2010

I learnt a lot today

I always say that life is unfair but then i changed my mind starting from today..
GOD is very fair to all of us..whenever we lose something at the same time we also gain something..

Today i talked to my friend Vanny Hanata and she taught me how to see my life from another prospective..=)

i always regret in most of things i do..but when i see from another prospective i shouldn't regret at all coz i gain things too..

The most regretful thing in my life is having him as my past..but when i lose him i met someone else..GOD let me be with that guy,he gave me something in my life that i never receive..

if i really insist don't want to go to South Africa i wouldn't meet my friend which is my sister now, Katherine..
what will happen if i dont go there?will i even know her?will i even be friends with her?will she be my sister?

if i refuse to move to SIS PIK..i will never know any of the obewack..will we all know each other?will we all be friends?will we all be brother and sister?will we be this close?will obewack exists?

GOD has special plan for all of us
i shouldn't regret for everything i have done
love you GOD

"don't fill a full cup of water with more water..but fill the empty cup.."=)